How much does Aizai cost?
Contact us to buy Aizai. It is no longer being offered for direct purchase online.

Volume discounts are available. This price includes registration keys for both Aizai Global Tuner and Aizai Global Broadcaster. Also included in this price is the ability to create 5 Bronze-level channels on the Aizai Channel Service Network.

Is there a windows client?
We have announced our commitment to open the technology by publishing the CHTP-A specification which will allow anyone to build compatible channel servers, browsers and broadcasting tools. All of the media types mandated in that specification are open standards, and all are available on the Windows platform. While we have now announced plans to market an Aizai-branded Windows channel browser at the moment, this is a very obvious and interesting opportunity for ourselves as well as for third party developers.

What do I do if I forgot my screen name or password?
Contact us to generate a new Username/password

Can I do video-conferencing with Aizai?
Since Aizai works with all standard QuickTime media formats (including streaming video), video-conferencing is possible provided streams are made available over the Internet/intranet (technologies such as QuickTime Broadcaster or QuickTime Streaming Server) to all parties wishing to participate. Aizai itself contains no built-in software support for specific desktop video cameras.

Aizai Global Tuner
Some movies and channels play better, why?
Depending on the performance of the server or servers providing the media for a given Aizai channel, you may experience anywhere from excellent to poor performance. If a channel’s performance is consistently poor, you may try contacting that channel’s management, or choose to ignore or block it.

Can I display movies with a black border in fullscreen mode?
Yes, simply check the Display Movies With Black Border in Full-Screen checkbox in the Audio/Video tab of the Aizai Global Tuner Preferences panel.

Aizai Global Broadcaster
How do I create my own channel?
Yes, you may create one test channel with the Aizai Global Broadcaster demo application, and up to 5 channels with a registered copy.

I created a channel in Aizai Global Broadcaster but I can’t see it in Aizai Global Tuner. Why not?
To see the channel you have created in Aizai Global Broadcaster, set your service preference in Aizai Global Tuner preferences panel to Basic instead of Bronze. When you register, your channel will be moved up to Bronze level. Conversely, to hide channels unregistered users have created, set your service filter to Bronze. It is also possible that you have set your channel to a higher rating than your Aizai Global Tuner is allowed to view. Change that setting under the Rating tab of the Aizai Global Tuner Preferences panel.

How do I hide test channels that people have made?
See above. You may also block individual channels in Aizai Global Tuner.

How can I give my channel, channel asset or public profile a custom logo?
To give your channel, channel asset, or personal profile a custom logo, simply drop any standard picture file onto the Tuner ‘well’ on the channel, channel asset, or profile editor page in Aizai Global Broadcaster. When you save your changes, you will be prompted for your .Mac or WebDAV login information to store the picture for public use.

Aizai Channel Service Network
How can I raise the service rating of my channel?
Channels create by unregistered copies of Aizai on the Aizai Channel Service Network are of Basic service level. Registered users get 5 Bronze level channels. Higher service levels are only assigned by Aizai Channel Service Network administrators at the moment. If you feel your channel is of extraordinary quality and merits a higher service level rating please contact us.

How can I get additional channels on the Aizai Channel Service Network?
Currently, to create more than 5 channels on the Aizai Channel Service Network it is necessary to license a second copy of the software under a different email address.

How much does Aizai Channel Service Network membership cost?
Membership is free. However we are no longer accepting new members for now.

How can I set up my own channel service network?
We have announced our commitment to open the technology by publishing the CHTP-A specification which will allow anyone to build compatible channel servers, browsers and broadcasting tools.